How Shot by Shot Works
Real Analysis & Unique Comparative Data provides Strokes Gained Analysis for each of the five major facets of the game as well as Scoring Analysis.
- Driving
- Approach Shots
- Chip/Pitch Shots (within 50 yards of the hole)
- Sand Shots (within 50 yards of the hole)
- Putting
Just as importantly, we support this information with “Relative Handicaps” for each facet of your game, which allows our users to easily and accurately identify the #1 Improvement Priority.
A Relative Handicap identifies the actual handicap level of each part of your game. Say you’re a great putter and see through the analysis that you have a +4 Handicap on the greens. This means that if putting were all there were to golf, you would be a +4 handicap… and probably considering a run at the PGA Tour.
This is exactly the situation for our case study golfer, who we’ll call Rick. Rick is gifted on the greens with a +4 handicap… but is not ready for a run at the PGA Tour. Why? He’s struggling with his Driving, Approach shots and Chip/Pitch shots (see Relative handicaps below) and has an overall handicap of 7.

Leveraging our Strokes Gained Analysis in conjunction with our proprietary database, we know that Rick’s #1 Improvement Priority (in orange above) to lower his 7-handicap is his Approach game. Digging deeper into the analysis, we can see that specific improvement in his Approach shots from 150-175 yards will yield the greatest immediate improvement in Rick’s scores.

Rick had the most shots in the 150-175 yard range (31 attempts). He also had three Penalty results in this range along with the largest negative Strokes Gained number (-8.51).
Negative Strokes Gained Numbers: A golfer is losing strokes to par.
Positive Strokes Gained Numbers: A golfer is saving strokes to par.
What we also know about Rick is that his target handicap group is 3-5. Very simply, this means that IF Rick could improve each facet of his game to the level of his Target handicap group, he would reach his goal. Because he is such a strong putter; however, Rick doesn’t need to focus on all areas of his game – earning a Relative Handicap of 5 in his Approach game would do the most to get him to his target of shooting 5 handicap scores.

So what exactly does Rick need to improve about his Approach shots in the 150-175 range? First, he would look at the % Greens Hit by Distance range (above) versus his 3 to 5 Target Handicap. He finds that he is actually hitting more greens (58%) while his Target is only hitting 52%. Since his is hitting enough greens, we know that the problem must be the 3 penalties he accumulated, in the 10 rounds that he analyzed, that are too costly. If he can reduce his penalties, from that distance, he will be on his way to reaching his target handicap.
To Review: offers in-depth analysis and supporting, comparative data for each of the 5 major facets of the game.
An ideal snapshot of one’s relative strengths and weaknesses will usually emerge clearly with 3 to 5 rounds, especially if recorded on the same course. We believe that you will find the analysis of every round informative and valuable, which is why we offer a Risk FREE, 1-round Trial that will allow you to try the program and see its benefits before purchasing a subscription.
Follow the same process as Rick to start shooting lower scores:
- Capture your rounds with the app to quantify your relative handicap in the 5 major facets of Golf Performance
- Log into to identify your #1 Improvement Priority
- Zero in on the biggest area of weakness within your #1 Improvement Priority
- Use the data to guide your practice and improvement strategy to reach your Target Handicap
- Select a new, lower Target and repeat the process